Tag Archive for: Digital Marketing

Graphic Design Dictionary Digital Edition

Like my blog post with print design keywords, there are many terms used in the digital realm that can be consuming or need clarification. Here are the most used words.


This is the color mode used for digital design such as websites, email marketing, web
banners and more. RGB stands for red, green and blue.


As mentioned in my previous blog (The Print Edition) 300 DPI is used for
print. When designing for digital pieces it's best to save at 72 DPI. Tip: With your websites
always make sure your images are at 72 versus 300 DPI. This will make the images smaller and
optimized for web making your website faster and liked by google.


This is a file format that is used for digital only, not print. PNGs can only be in RBG color
mode. What makes a PNG special is the ability to hold a transparent background.

Hex Code

This is a 6 digit number combination that web developers will use to determine a
color in HTML. Make sure to get your hex code from your logo colors.

Mobile Friendly

This relates to website design. Your website should be "Mobile Friendly"
meaning it looks good on your cell phone along with a desktop computer. This is very often
forgotten about which is bad since so many people today use their phone to go on websites.

Hover/Mouse over

Another term used for websites. Have you ever put your mouse pointer over
a button or image and it changes colors? That is what a hover/mouse over effect is.
Favicon: The small icon at the top left of your website tab. This is sized at 16×16 pixels.
Save for web: This term is used to make sure you are saving images for digital needs. So
remember images for web will be saved at 72 DPI and RGB color format.


Also known as user experience. This is the interaction and experience users have such as
you and I with a website app etcetera


Also known as user interface. This is the point of human computer interaction and
communication in a device. Examples of this include the design of a display screen, keyboard,
and mouse. This also includes how a user interacts with the application of a website.

5 Reasons Why YOU Need Email Marketing

5 Reasons Why YOU Need Email Marketing

Email marketing is essential for any modern-day business. It is an effective, affordable way to maintain existing clients, as well as gain new ones. With various communication methods, it has been proven that email marketing is more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined. Below are a few top examples of how companies have benefited from email marketing.

1. Generate More Calls and Sales

With email marketing, you have the ability to create customizable emails to be sent to the right client at the right time with the right offer. With excellent timing, this can help a company boost their calls, as well as sales, whether it be online or in-store.

2. Build Your Brand

Like any type of marketing, it is crucial to endorse your name to the public, no matter the size of your business. With easy marketing services, such as emails, it is easier than ever to advertise your name to the public and become instilled in the minds of potential buyers. This helps build a brand internally, as well as promoting your brand to the outside world.

3. Reach People From Any Location

With roughly 2/3 of the population checking their emails instantly on their mobile device, email marketing allows businesses to contact people at any time of the day, no matter where they are. With so many people having access to phones and computers nowadays, it’s a no brainer to send emails to your clients and remind them about your business.

4. Increase Website Traffic

It is vital to drive traffic to your website, despite what type of business or company you are. Email marketing achieves this. With people having the option to forward your email to their friends and family, email marketing allows you to gain more referrals and potential future clients, without having to lift a finger.

5. Remain Relevant

In order for people to continue thinking about you as a company, it is important to send emails. Emails remind clients about your business throughout the year, during both busy and slow times. Even if a client does not buy or need something at that moment, they can save your information for a later date, and will remember to refer you to someone who does, leading to new consumers.
As you can see, these are only five of the MANY benefits that email marketing has to offer you and your business. In order to see immediate results, begin sending mass emails and learn firsthand on the ways you can help grow your company.