Tag Archive for: graphic designer

Why Social Media for Business

Why you need social media for your business

Why you need social media for your business

Whether you are a startup company or have been around the block, it’s important in the modern world to acquire a social media presence. With social media usage being one of the top online activities, it was calculated in 2019 that 79% of the population in the United States alone had a social media profile. With social media being free, it’s a no brainer that you should get your company on the grid. Here are just a few reasons why you need social media for your business.

1. SEO

No matter the field of your business, people always want to increase traffic to their website. If your clients cannot find you easily on the internet, then you will have trouble increasing traffic to your site. Social media helps you to overtake the first search results effortlessly. With millennials spending a vast amount of time on social media, it has been proven to hold value now and will continue to do so in the future.

2. Stay Relevant

Social media helps to create a bond between you and your clients. With simple posts, you are able to keep your clients updated on new launches, store openings, company policies and so much more. Each post helps to share your values and ethics with the rest of the world – but be sure to refrain from unnecessary posting, since this can push away clients.

3. Client Relationships

Hearing that someone does not have a social media account normally arouses a negative connotation and is unusual in contemporary America. Social media has become as important as having a well-designed website. With clients posting reviews to social media, while also gaining influencers for their brand, it becomes another form of publicity that their company needs in order to remain prevalent in the digital world.
With a variety of different channels, whether it be Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, it is vital to jump on the bandwagon. With the right combination of imagery and context along with posting strategically, your business will begin to boost sales and gain new leads more efficiently.

3 Top Reasons to Hire a Boutique Versus Large Agency

3 Top Reasons to Hire a Boutique Versus Large Agency

One of the biggest decisions a company must make is the type of agency to hire. There are many factors which contribute to this including location, specialties and past work with other brands.
One of the biggest factors is size. Many people believe that larger agencies are better, however this is not necessarily true. Larger agencies work with more clients and are pulled in many different directions, where, boutique agencies focus their full attention on YOU! Below are a few of the reasons why hiring a smaller agency will be better for you and your company.

1. Access to Specialized Tools

When you decide to work with a boutique over a large agency, you will find that the smaller agency is specialized in specific areas, as compared to larger agencies. Smaller agencies are able to focus more on countless areas- two of them being email marketing and social media. Specialization allows smaller agencies to perfect different divisions of marketing, leading to a happier YOU.

2. Lower Prices

Large companies nickel and dime you just because they claim they have more knowledge and experience than the boutique agency around the corner from you. Small creative agencies have just as much knowledge, if not more. With this being said, they will work with you and your budget to make sure you are happy and satisfied with the final outcome.

3. Faster Results and Flexibility

The larger the agency, the longer the approval process, which translates to longer waiting times for you. If you want to expedite your advertisements, then hiring a boutique agency is exactly what you need for your company. Smaller agencies have the ability to adapt to your needs while also completing your projects with the utmost of speed, meeting any reasonable timeline, proving that they always put you first.
As mentioned above, it has been proven that smaller creative agencies are easier and more reliable to work with. By working with one today, you can help your company to grow and reach new heights, while also forming an everlasting relationship with a company that puts YOU first.

5 Reasons Why YOU Need Email Marketing

5 Reasons Why YOU Need Email Marketing

Email marketing is essential for any modern-day business. It is an effective, affordable way to maintain existing clients, as well as gain new ones. With various communication methods, it has been proven that email marketing is more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined. Below are a few top examples of how companies have benefited from email marketing.

1. Generate More Calls and Sales

With email marketing, you have the ability to create customizable emails to be sent to the right client at the right time with the right offer. With excellent timing, this can help a company boost their calls, as well as sales, whether it be online or in-store.

2. Build Your Brand

Like any type of marketing, it is crucial to endorse your name to the public, no matter the size of your business. With easy marketing services, such as emails, it is easier than ever to advertise your name to the public and become instilled in the minds of potential buyers. This helps build a brand internally, as well as promoting your brand to the outside world.

3. Reach People From Any Location

With roughly 2/3 of the population checking their emails instantly on their mobile device, email marketing allows businesses to contact people at any time of the day, no matter where they are. With so many people having access to phones and computers nowadays, it’s a no brainer to send emails to your clients and remind them about your business.

4. Increase Website Traffic

It is vital to drive traffic to your website, despite what type of business or company you are. Email marketing achieves this. With people having the option to forward your email to their friends and family, email marketing allows you to gain more referrals and potential future clients, without having to lift a finger.

5. Remain Relevant

In order for people to continue thinking about you as a company, it is important to send emails. Emails remind clients about your business throughout the year, during both busy and slow times. Even if a client does not buy or need something at that moment, they can save your information for a later date, and will remember to refer you to someone who does, leading to new consumers.
As you can see, these are only five of the MANY benefits that email marketing has to offer you and your business. In order to see immediate results, begin sending mass emails and learn firsthand on the ways you can help grow your company.
How to fix your website for your small business

6 Signs Your Site is a Snoozefest (and how to fix it!)

6 Signs Your Site is a Snoozefest (and how to fix it!)

There are an endless number of websites out there. As a small business owner, you need to focus on how to make your website stand out. Here are some pitfalls to avoid in order to ensure your site is exciting enough to entice new business.

  1. You don’t have a blog

    “I’m not a writer.” “I’m more of a visual artist.” “I wouldn’t even know where to start.” Is this the sort of reaction you have to the word “blog”? Do you live in fear of the blank page and the blinking cursor? You’re not alone. Blogging isn’t easy, but it’s vitally important to any small business. It gives potential clients a sense of who you are and whether you’d be a good fit for what they need. The best way to start…is to start. Write what you know! It doesn’t need to be perfect.

  2. You don’t have enough pages. You have too many pages.

    You don’t want your website to become a chore. But you also don’t want it to be instantly forgettable. So, how do you decide the appropriate length for your website? Research! Find some websites that you enjoy. Find some websites that you hate. Use that as a guide to determine appropriate length.

  3. Poorly designed

    Terribly designed sites. We’ve all encountered them – buggy, crash-prone, not secure. A business’ website often serves as a first impression for potential clients. You wouldn’t show up to a face to face meeting looking disheveled, right? Your website should function well and be mobile friendly.  Be proud of your website. Be proud of yourself. Be proud of your work.

  4. Your website isn’t representative of who you are

    One size does not fit all when it comes to websites. After browsing your site, potential clients should have some sense of who you are. Include photos of yourself! Do you have a mission statement? You should! You’re not a generic business, don’t have a generic website.

  5. Your website isn’t about your customers/clients

    Although it’s important that clients understand who you are, you don’t want to overdo it. Think of your website as a conversation between you and a potential client. There needs to be balance. Customers should understand how working with you will improve their lives and business.

  6. Too much going on…or not enough

    You don’t want your website to be too busy, but you also don’t want it to look a digital desert wasteland. Aim for clean and concise. Make it appealing to the eye. Don’t bombard potential customers with excessive fonts, an overabundance of photos, or large blocks of text. Find the sweet spot for your website design and lean into it.

And if all of this seems a bit overwhelming, MIFA Media is always here to help! We’ve helped countless small businesses overcome these pitfalls and improve their online presence.

MIFA Media

MIFA Media’s Year End Tips For Small Businesses

MIFA Media’s Year End Tips For Small Businesses

Believe it or not, we’re just about at the end of the year. And you need to make sure your brand design is looking fine for Auld Lang Syne.

Yikes – that was groan-worthy! I regret nothing.

Anyway, now’s the time to get your brand in order, get some holiday sales going, and ring in the New Year with some new business. Here are some tips on how to make that happen.

  1. Create a design and marketing budget and start setting aside money now.

    Like right now. Design and marketing is important for small businesses to grow, but it can also get expensive fast. If you start saving now (and keep saving) you’ll set yourself up for the future. Channel your inner Scrooge McDuck.

  2. Keep an eye on your competition.

    You should be doing this already, but it’s especially important as the year draws to a close. What trends seem popular? Should you lean into them? Forge your own path? You need to know what’s happening in order to decide.

  3. Where are you?!

    An online presence is important, but it’s useless if people can’t find it. Be sure to include a link in your IG Bio so potential clients can connect with you. Alternatively, you can create your own for your personally hosted website. It’s a great way to track who’s visiting your site. Not in a creepy way. Don’t make it weird.

  4. Plan for promotions now so you’re ready to go in the New Year.

    Be prepared! Timing is everything. Obtaining new business might come down to just getting there first.

  5. Where are you?! Part 2:

    Make sure you have your information ready to go for prospective clients. Physical business cards are fantastic, but Digital Business Cards are also super handy. Not only does it simplify things by letting you text or email your business card, it also decreases the chance of the client misplacing your information.

And that’s all I’ve got! You don’t even have to do all of these. Even if you only manage to do a couple, you’ll be ahead of the game.

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