Color Makes the Season (and Your Branding) Bright

Color is one of the most powerful elements when it comes to creating an impactful and effective design, branding, or marketing strategy.

Equally as important as factors like font and proportion, color contributes to balance and hierarchy in design. Choosing a cohesive color scheme in the midst of developing your branding – not as an afterthought – ensures a seamless design where all of the elements work together to convey the personality of your company.

Each color has a meaning and feeling that attracts people (or deters them).

Color sets the vibe for your company, so you want to choose shades that are appropriate for your brand. For example, warm colors (think yellow undertones) show excitement and optimism, while cool colors (blue undertones) symbolize calm and harmony. If you are a therapist, you’ll want to steer clear of using bright red for your logo and go with cooler tones to convey a more peaceful ambiance. On the flip side, if competitive brands are all using soft green in their package designs, choosing a notice-me color will help your products stand out on the shelf.

For proof of color’s power to influence customer behavior, look no further than the role it plays in holiday marketing.

The signature colors of each holiday have become so ingrained in our culture and traditions that they communicate layers of meaning without a single word. An orange and black window display tells us it’s Halloween; yellow and brown food packaging symbolizes Thanksgiving; black, red, and green are the colors of Kwanzaa; and a sea of red and green can only mean it’s Christmastime.

Colors stir our emotions, evoking specific feelings and conjuring up memories.

Let’s take a look at the psychology behind a few of the popular color pairs that make this season bright.

ORANGE & YELLOW: Yellow is vibrant and cheerful, evoking feelings of optimism and happiness (the smiley face embodies the power of yellow!) Orange is associated with energy, enthusiasm, and warmth. Together, they mirror nature’s changing leaves and abundant harvest, making them the classic palette for autumn’s biggest holidays – Halloween and Thanksgiving.


Red and green have been linked back to traditional winter solstice celebrations, where Celtic people used green holly plants with their deep red berries to welcome the shift in seasons. Today, this iconic color combo is synonymous with Christmas. The energy, passion, and urgency of red, paired with green’s connection to nature, growth, and freshness, instantly lifts our spirits and conjures up joyful holiday memories.


White symbolizes purity, simplicity, and innocence, while blue is often linked to feelings of reliability and serenity (a blue logo projects a sense of trust and dependability.) The origin of the colors’ association with the celebration of Hanukkah is up for debate. Some say the colors are rooted in theology (the Jewish prayer shawl is white with one blue string), while others believe they were inspired by the Israeli flag.


There are no “official” New Year’s colors, but silver and gold are the go-to choice for ringing in the new. These classically elegant colors symbolize opulence, luxury, and success. Gold and silver sparkle like the ball dropping in Times Square. They are also the color of money – and isn’t abundance something we all wish for in the coming year?

At MIFA Media, we understand that every element of design plays a role in capturing people’s attention and engaging their emotions. By strategically using colors that align with each client’s vision and values, we help them create a unique brand identity – and memorable customer experiences that drive results.