Entries by Mary Skomial

What Can Tennis Teach Business Owners ?

What Can Tennis Teach Business Owners ? I’ve been playing tennis since the 4th grade. Over the years, I’ve discovered that performing well on the court is a lot like succeeding as a business owner. While natural talent and superior skills are really important, the things that are absolutely essential are strategy, resilience, and the […]

Lessons from My First Year as a Mompreneur

5 Lessons I Learned in My First Year as a Mompreneur This month, my son celebrates his first birthday. It’s miraculous how much he has changed, and amazing how quicky the time has passed – even though I’ve tried to slow down and enjoy every little moment (even the tough ones.) Being more present is […]

Advantages of Women-Owned Partnerships

The Benefits of Working with Women-Owned Businesses It’s National Women’s History Month. I don’t know about you, but I love following the stories about remarkable women and girls and what they have accomplished. And it’s a dream come true to be among those who are running successful businesses of their own – and doing work […]

Branding Mastery: Stand Out, Build Connections

Why is Branding Such a Big Deal? Simply put, your brand is what separates you from your competition – and is arguably the most powerful tool your business has for developing the trust and loyalty of your clients or customers. Your brand absolutely must set your business apart. Between the challenging economy and the tsunami […]

Graphic Design Dictionary Digital Edition

Like my blog post with print design keywords, there are many terms used in the digital realm that can be consuming or need clarification. Here are the most used words. RGB This is the color mode used for digital design such as websites, email marketing, web banners and more. RGB stands for red, green and […]

3 Secrets to Creating a Marketing Plan That Works

Have you started your marketing plan for 2024? No pressure – but now is the time to be analyzing, strategizing and budgeting for marketing your business in the New Year. Of course, recent experience has proven that none of us can predict what might happen over the next 12 months (or 12 hours!) But here […]

Color Makes the Season (and Your Branding) Bright

Color is one of the most powerful elements when it comes to creating an impactful and effective design, branding, or marketing strategy. Equally as important as factors like font and proportion, color contributes to balance and hierarchy in design. Choosing a cohesive color scheme in the midst of developing your branding – not as an […]

Graphic Design Dictionary Print Edition

In this blog post, I’ll explain some common terms used by myself and many other graphic designers. This edition will be based mainly on printed design work. Next month will be for digital design. Resolution This refers to the DPI “Dots per Inch” which means the amount of dots of ink printed per inch of […]

Why are logo and brand design so expensive?

At MIFA Media, we understand the importance of knowing where and how your money is being spent. Weighing costs is something that we contend with every day. So we understand the knee-jerk reaction to some logo and brand design costs. It seems expensive for something that…doesn’t physically exist. BUT, and this is a big but […]

3 Reasons how a blog can benefit you

3 Reasons how a blog can benefit you 1. Drive traffic to your website This might be the most obvious reason, however, many people seem to overlook this.  Adding new content to your blog increases the amount of “fresh” content on your website, which can place it higher than other websites on search engines.  This minimal […]